Just another Perl hacker, or JAPH, typically refers to a Perl program which prints "Just another Perl hacker," (the comma is canonical but is occasionally omitted). Short JAPH programs are often used as signatures in online forums, or as T-shirt designs. The phrase or acronym is also occasionally used (without code) for a signature. ---- /;{}def/#{def}def/$_={/Times-Bold exch selectfont}#/_{rmoveto}#/"{dup}#/*/!/$ ;/q{exch}#/x ; {/J q #}#/.{/T q #}#{stringwidth}#{}#{}# 14 string dup dup dup 260 40 moveto 90 rotate ; %/}};$0='"\e[7m \e[0m"';@ARGV=split//,reverse q(ThePerl). q(Journal) x 220 ; q ; 0 T putinterval exch 7 J putinterval ; ; $_= q /m$ pop T($*!$"=!$ " )pop " * true% ? $ " $!" " !! !! % !" !" ! ! charpath {!"""}pop $ pop{""!}pop ! neg{!#}pop 220 ! neg _{!!}pop J false %T charpath clip " pop 0 " moveto 6{!!}pop $_= 105{!!}pop {$ ! $ " ! #! ##} pop{dup dup $ ! 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"#" #"!"""""! #" " # "m/;@ARGV=(@ARGV[-14..-1])x50;q} 0 "%};s/m[ou]|[-\dA-ln-z.\n_{}]|\$_=//gx;s/(.)(?{$*=''})/('$*.='.(++$# %2?'':"$0;").'pop;')x(ord($1)-31).'$*'/gee;s/((.(\e\[.m)*|.){77})/$1\n/g;print ; sub showpage {} ---- sub j(\$){($ P,$V)= @_;while($$P=~s:^ ([()])::x){ $V+=('('eq$1)?-32:31 }$V+=ord( substr( $$P,0,1,""))-74} sub a{ my($I,$K,$ J,$L)=@_ ;$I=int($I*$M/$Z);$K=int( $K*$M/$Z);$J=int($J*$M /$Z);$L=int($L*$M/$Z); $G=$ J-$I;$F=$L-$K;$E=(abs($ G)>=abs($F))?$G:$F;($E<0) and($ I,$K)=($J,$L);$E||=.01 ;for($i=0;$i<=abs$E;$i++ ){ $D->{$K +int($i*$F/$E) }->{$I+int($i*$G/$E)}=1}}sub p{$D={};$ Z=$z||.01;map{ $H=$_;$I=$N=j$H;$K=$O=j$H;while($H){$q=ord substr($H,0,1,"" );if(42==$q){$J=j$H;$L=j$H}else{$q-=43;$L =$q %9;$J=($q-$L)/9;$L=$q-9*$J-4;$J-=4}$J+=$I;$L+=$K;a($I,$K,$J,$ L); ($I,$K)=($J,$L)}a($I,$K,$N,$O)}@_;my$T;map{$y=$_;map{ $T.=$D->{$y} ->{$_}?$\:' '}(-59..59);$T.="\n"}(-23..23);print"\e[H$T"}$w= eval{ require Win32::Console::ANSI};$b=$w?'1;7;':"";($j,$u,$s,$t,$a,$n,$o ,$h,$c,$k,$p,$e,$r,$l,$C)=split/}/,'Tw*JSK8IAg*PJ[*J@wR}*JR]*QJ[*J'. 'BA*JQK8I*JC}KUz]BAIJT]*QJ[R?-R[e]\RI'.'}Tn*JQ]wRAI*JDnR8QAU}wT8KT'. ']n*JEI*EJR*QJ]*JR*DJ@IQ[}*JSe*JD[n]*JPe*'.'JBI/KI}T8@?PcdnfgVCBRcP'. '?ABKV]]}*JWe*JD[n]*JPe*JC?8B*JE};Vq*OJQ/IP['.'wQ}*JWeOe{n*EERk8;'. 'J*JC}/U*OJd[OI@*BJ*JXn*J>w]U}CWq*OJc8KJ?O[e]U/T*QJP?}*JSe*JCnTe'. 'QIAKJR}*JV]wRAI*J?}T]*RJcJI[\]3;U]Uq*PM[wV]W]WCT*DM*SJ'. 'ZP[Z'. 'PZa[\]UKVgogK9K*QJ[\]n[RI@*EH@IddR[Q[]T]T]T3o[dk*JE'. '[Z\U'. '{T]*JPKTKK]*OJ[QIO[PIQIO[[gUKU\k*JE+J+J5R5AI*EJ00'. 'BCB*'. 'DMKKJIR[Q+*EJ0*EK';sub h{$\ = qw(% & @ x)[int rand 4];map{printf "\e[$b;%dm",int(rand 6)+101-60* ($w ||0);system( "cls")if$w ;($A,$S)= ($_[1], $ _[0]);($M, @,)= split '}';for( $z=256 ;$z>0; $z -=$S){$S*= $A;p @,} sleep$_ [2];while ($_[3]&&($ z+=$ S) <=256){ p@,}}("". "32}7D$j" ."}AG". "$u}OG" ."$s}WG" ."$t","" ."24}(" ."IJ$a" ."}1G$n" ."}CO$o" ."}GG$t" ."}QC" ."$h}" ."^G$e" ."})IG" ."$r", "32}?" ."H$p}FG$e}QG$r". "}ZC" ."$l", "28}(LC" ."" ."". "$h}:" ."J$a}EG". "$c" ."}M" ."C$k}ZG". "$e" ."}" ."dG$r","18" ."}(" ."D;" ."$C" )}{h(16 ,1,1,0 );h(8, .98,0,0 );h(16 ,1,1,1) ;h(8.0 ,0.98,0, 1); redo}### #written 060204 by #liverpole @@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@ ---- #:: ::-| ::-| .-. :||-:: 0-| .-| ::||-| .:|-. :|| open(Q,$0);while(){if(/^#(.*)$/){for(split('-',$1)){$q=0;for(split){s/\| /:.:/xg;s/:/../g;$Q=$_?length:$_;$q+=$q?$Q:$Q*20;}print chr($q);}}}print"\n"; #.: ::||-| .||-| :|||-| ::||-| ||-:: :|||-| .:| ---- @P=split//,".URRUU\c8R";@d=split//,"\nrekcah xinU / lreP rehtona tsuJ";sub p{ @p{"r$p","u$p"}=(P,P);pipe"r$p","u$p";++$p;($q*=2)+=$f=!fork;map{$P=$P[$f^ord ($p{$_})&6];$p{$_}=/ ^$P/ix?$P:close$_}keys%p}p;p;p;p;p;map{$p{$_}=~/^[P.]/&& close$_}%p;wait until$?;map{/^r/&&<$_>}%p;$_=$d[$q];sleep rand(2)if/\S/;print ---- $_='987;s/^(d+)/$1-1/e;$1?eval:print"Just another Perl hacker,"';eval; ---- $_="krJhruaesrltre c a cnP,ohet";$_.=$1,print$2while s/(..)(.)//; ---- $_ = "wftedskaebjgdpjgidbsmnjgc"; tr/a-z/oh, turtleneck Phrase Jar!/; print; ---- not exp log srand xor s qq qx xor s x x length uc ord and print chr ord for qw q join use sub tied qx xor eval xor print qq q q xor int eval lc q m cos and print chr ord for qw y abs ne open tied hex exp ref y m xor scalar srand print qq q q xor int eval lc qq y sqrt cos and print chr ord for qw x printf each return local x y or print qq s s and eval q s undef or oct xor time xor ref print chr int ord lc foreach qw y hex alarm chdir kill exec return y s gt sin sort split ---- `$=`;$_=\%!;($_)=/(.)/;$==++$|;($.,$/,$,,$\,$",$;,$^,$#,$~,$*,$:,@%)=( $!=~/(.)(.).(.)(.)(.)(.)..(.)(.)(.)..(.)......(.)/,$"),$=++;$.++;$.++; $_++;$_++;($_,$\,$,)=($~.$"."$;$/$%[$?]$_$\$,$:$%[$?]",$"&$~,$#,);$,++ ;$,++;$^|=$";`$_$\$,$/$:$;$~$*$%[$?]$.$~$*${#}$%[$?]$;$\$"$^$~$*.>&$=` ---- open$h,chr${$/}*30,\q/20003644300602224438504830045048563038060810504818/if$/=\2;print substr q/unpack"C",join" ",shift(readlink) $/,$_/${$/},${$/}/2for<$h> ---- $_="Who am I?"; my@f=unpack("C*",$_); $f[9]=$f[3]+$f[6]+$f[7]- $f[8];$f[25]=$f[5]-$f[9]+$f[7] ;$f[10]=$f[2]+$f[2]-$f[1]-$f[9]+ $f[7];$f[17]= $f[12]=$f[10]+ $f[7]-$f[9]; $f[11]=$f[12] +$f[7]-$f[9]; $f[26]=$f[21] =$f[13]=$f[3] ;$f[28]=$f[14] =$f[3]+$f[6]+ $f[13]-$f[7] +$f[9];$f[15] =$f[5]+$f[9] -$f[7];$f[16] =$f[2];$f[27] =$f[18]= $f[1];$f [31]=$f[ 23]=$f[19]=$ f[2]-$f[4]+$ f[0];$f[32] =$f[24]=$f[20] =$f[11]+$f[7]- $f[9];$f[22]= $f[10]+$f[10] +$f[10]-$f[0] -$f[0]-$f[14] ;$f[29]=$f[4 ]+$f[10]-$f[ 11];$f[30]=$ f[10]+$f[ 0]-$f[4]; print pack ("C*" ,@f[9 ..32]); ---- for ($k = 1.2 ;$k >- 1.2 ;$k-=(2.4 )/40){ for ($j=-2.1 ;$j <.7 ;$j +=2.8 /100) {($x, $y, $i )=($j, $k, 0); while (sqrt( $x** 2+$y **2) <2 && $i<200) {($x ,$y )=( $x**2 -$y** 2+ $j,2 *$x*$y +$k ) ;$i++ ;} print ($i <12?( $i <4?($i <2? '#': '%'): ($i <8?'&' :'*' )): ($i<50 ?($i <20? 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[ [::]>>=<>=<>=<>=(-) ]. ; require 2001; exists($malfunction )#open $podBayDoors or die ; HAL-> sing ("Daisy");sleep()*' ;my@universe= qw(15 1 6 4 35 1 12 2 23 2 14 1 8 2 0 5 25 1 39 3 7 2);my $God ;$monolith="******" ; my @spaceTime = split/;/,$_ ; while (my($space,$time )= splice (@universe,0 ,2) ) { my $journey = shift @spaceTime; eval " $journey; "; $contact = substr ( $@, $space, $time ) ; if ( $space != (( " dimension " =~ // ) +1+4+9 ) ) {print $contact; next; }my $starChild=$contact ;print uc$starChild } ---- #!/usr/local/bin/perl undef$/;$_=;y/ODA\n / /ds;@yoda=map{length}split;print chr oct join('',splice(@yoda,0,3))-111 while@yoda; __DATA__ 00O00O000O00O0000 000O DD000000O0 0DO0000000O0000O00 O00000 00O00000O0O 0000 0O0 O00 O00 00D 0DO 00O0 0O0 00D 000 DO0D00000D 0O00 DOD 000000O00000 000 O00O DD0000D000O0 000 0O00O0000D00DO 0OD D00O000D00O0 00000DO00O0 000 000O 00D0 O0D O00000O0DO0 0O000 OD0D O00O0 0000 DDDO000000 O00O000000 0O000 O00DDO 00000 0O0D00 00O0O00000O 0O00O000000 0O0O00OD00000DDD 00O 0D0 DDD D0O 00O0D 00000O00000000 O00 DO0 D00D00O000 00D00 D0O00 O0000 000O000O00DO 000 00O0 0OD00 O00 000 0O000D000O00O0 000 0D0O000000O00O00 0 0 0O0D 0000 0O0 0O0000000O000O [editorial note: would the author of this JAPH *please* stand up? ] ---- #Erudil from http://www.perlmonks.com/ #!/usr/bin/perl -w # camel code use strict; $_='ev al("seek\040D ATA,0, 0;");foreach(1..3) {;}my @camel1hump;my$camel; my$Camel ;while( ){$_=sprintf("%-6 9s",$_);my@dromedary 1=split(//);if(defined($ _=)){@camel1hum p=split(//);}while(@dromeda ry1){my$camel1hump=0 ;my$CAMEL=3;if(defined($_=shif t(@dromedary1 ))&&/\S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;} $CAMEL--;if(d efined($_=shift(@dromedary1))&&/\S/){ $camel1hump+=1 <<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if(defined($_=shift( @camel1hump))&&/\S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;if( defined($_=shift(@camel1hump))&&/\S/){$camel1hump+=1<<$CAME L;;}$camel.=(split(//,"\040..m`{/J\047\134}L^7FX"))[$camel1h ump];}$camel.="\n";}@camel1hump=split(/\n/,$camel);foreach(@ camel1hump){chomp;$Camel=$_;y/LJF7\173\175`\047/\061\062\063\ 064\065\066\067\070/;y/12345678/JL7F\175\173\047`/;$_=reverse; print"$_\040$Camel\n";}foreach(@camel1hump){chomp;$Camel=$_;y /LJF7\173\175`\047/12345678/;y/12345678/JL7F\175\173\0 47`/; $_=reverse;print"\040$_$Camel\n";}';;s/\s*//g;;eval; eval ("seek\040DATA,0,0;");undef$/;$_=;s/\s*//g;( );;s ;^.*_;;;map{eval"print\"$_\"";}/.{4}/g; 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s;(.)( .)(.)(. );chr 64*$ 1+ 16 *$2+ 4 *$ 3 +$ 4 ;gex ; eval ---- #Clinton Pierce #note: Requires 5.6.0 or better '% * % % * % %<> * % ~ * % % * % * * % * * * % % * * % * % *<> * % ~ % % % * % * * * % * % % % % * % % % % % % * % % * % % * % % ^ * % % % % *[] % % * * % * * % % % % * % % % % % % * * % * * @ * @ % * % % % ^ % * % * % * * % % * % <> % % % % * % %() % % % * * * % % * % % * * % * * * * % * * % % * * * % * * * % % * % % *[]<> % % % % * % * * * % % *<> % * * % % % * * % * * * \ * %\ * * * %/ \ # % * * % % % *\ * /\ * *// % %\ <>\ // % %/ % \// % * % * * *\ \|| \ \/ / % %// \ \ *\ /<> %// %// % %<> * % * %\ \ | | ||// % || // \// % // * * * % %{} % * ----\ \ | / %||// / ---/ / * % % * % * *\ ____\ \| | / / / /----/ * % \ ----\ | / // / \ \ / /' =~m/(.*)/s;$_=$1; s![-\\|_/\s]!!g ;%e=('%',0, '^',132918, '~'=>18054, '@'=>19630, '*' =>0b01, '#'=>13099, '[]'=>4278, '<>'=>2307, '{}'=>9814, '()',2076); for $a(keys %e){$e{$a}= sprintf"%b" , $e{$a};} $y= qq{(}.join( '|',map "\Q$_\E" ,keys %e).qq{)};s/$y /$e{$1}/gex;print pack"B*",$_; ---- #Kickstart from http://www.perlmonks.com/ #note: a slight valentine variation :) $LOVE= AMOUR. true.cards. ecstacy.crush .hon.promise.de .votion.partners. tender.truelovers. treasure.affection. devotion.care.woo.baby.ardor.romancing. enthusiasm.fealty.fondness.turtledoves. lovers.sentiment.worship.sweetling.pure .attachment.flowers.roses.promise.poem; $LOVE=~ s/AMOUR/adore/g; @a=split(//, $LOVE); $o.= chr (ord($a[1])+6). chr (ord($a[3])+3). $a[16]. $a[5]. chr (32). $a[0]. $a[(26+2)]. $a[27]. $a[5].$a[25]. $a[8].$a[3].chr (32).$a[29]. $a[8].$a[3]. $a[62].chr(32).$a[62]. $a[2].$a[38].$a[4]. $a[3].'.'; print $o; ---- # chipmunk (aka Ronald J Kimball) #!perl -l $_={1..28};$/=[$_,P,a..z,J,$"];print+map{$_&1?$/->{$_}:$/->[$_|1]} (27,21,19,20,28,1,14,15,20,8,5,18,28,0,5,18,12,28,8,1,3,11,5,18) ---- #Ronald J Kimball $~='`';$_=$:=$~|'%';$;=$^='/'|$~;$;++;$\=$~|"'";$;++;$:.=++$;;$/=++$;;+$\++;$_.= '#'|$~;$,=++$/;$_.="$\$^$\"";++$,;$_.='@'|'*'&~'!';$_.="$,$;$/$\"";$_.+='!.'|$~. $~;$_.="$^$/$\$:$\"";$_.='@'|':'&~'*';$_.=$:;$_.=$^&'|';$_.=$".$\;$_.=+"$~$~$~"| '!#+';++$.;$.++;`$_$:,>&$.`; ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'print "Prime" if (1 x shift) !~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'print "Prime" if (0 x shift) !~ m 0^\0?$|^(\0\0+?)\1+$0' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'print "Prime" if ("m" x shift) !~ m m^\m?$|^(\m\m+?)\1+$mm' ---- #Abigail perl -wle '$, = " "; print grep {(1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/} 2 .. shift' ---- #Abigail perl -wle '(1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while ++ $_' ---- #Abigail perl -wle '(1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while ++ $_' | perl -pe 'INIT {<>}' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'INIT {$_ ++} (1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while ++ $_' ---- #Abigail perl -wle '(1 .1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print $_ + 1 while ++ $_' ---- #Abigail perl -wle '(1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while ($_ ||= 1) ++' ---- #Abigail perl -wle '(2 x $_) !~ /^(2|(22+)\2+)$/ && print while ++ $_' ---- #Abigail perl -weprint\<\new(qq]$^F$^W783$[$%9889$^F47] .qq]$|88768$^W596577669$%$^W5$^F3364$[$^W$^F$|838747$[8889739$%$|$^F673$%$^W] .qq]98$^F76777$=56]);$^U=substr($]=>$|=>5)*(q.25..($^W=@^V))=>do{print+chr$^V %$^U;$^V/=$^U}while$^V!=$^W' ---- #Abigail perl -we 'print split /(?=(.*))/s => "Just another Perl Hacker\n";' ---- #Abigail perl -MLWP::UserAgent -MHTML::TreeBuilder -MHTML::FormatText -wle'print +( HTML::FormatText -> new -> format (HTML::TreeBuilder -> new -> parse ( LWP::UserAgent -> new -> request (HTTP::Request -> new ("GET", "http://work.ucsd.edu:5141/cgi-bin/http_webster?isindex=perl")) -> content)) =~ /(.*\))[-\s]+Addition/s) [0]' ---- #Abigail perl -we '$_ = q ;4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as;; for (s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s;s) {s;(..)s?;qq qprint chr 0x$1 and \161 ssq;excess;}' ---- #Abigail perl -e '$_ = q *4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720a*; for ($*=******;$**=******;$**=******) {$**=*******s*..*qq} print chr 0x$& and q qq}*excess********}' ---- #Abigail perl -we '$_ = q ?4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??; for (??;(??)x??;??) {??;s;(..)s?;qq ?print chr 0x$1 and \161 ss?;excess;??}' ---- #Abigail perl -e 'for (s??4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720as?;??;??) {s?(..)s\??qq \?print chr 0x$1 and q ss\??excess}' ---- #Abigail perl -e '$a = q 94a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c204861636b65720a9 and ${qq$\x5F$} = q 97265646f9 and s g..g; qq e\x63\x68\x72\x20\x30\x78$&eggee; {eval if $a =~ s e..eqq qprint chr 0x$& and \x71\x20\x71\x71qeexcess}' ---- #Abigail perl -MTime::JulianDay -lwe'@r=reverse(M=>(0)x99=>CM=>(0)x399=>D=>(0)x99=>CD=>( 0)x299=>C=>(0)x9=>XC=>(0)x39=>L=>(0)x9=>XL=>(0)x29=>X=>IX=>0=>0=>0=>V=>IV=>0=>0 =>I=>$==-2449231+gm_julian_day+time);do{until($=<$#r){$_.=$r[$#r];$=-=$#r}for(; !$r[--$#r];){}}while$=;$,="\x20";print+$_=>September=>MCMXCIII=>=>=>=>=>=>=>=>' ---- #Abigail sub _'_{$_'_=~s/$a/$_/}map{$$_=$Z++}Y,a..z,A..X;*{($_::_=sprintf+q=%X==>"$A$Y". "$b$r$T$u")=~s~0~O~g;map+_::_,U=>T=>L=>$Z;$_::_}=*_;sub _{print+/.*::(.*)/s};;; *_'_=*{chr($b*$e)};*__=*{chr(1<<$e)}; # Perl 5.6.0 broke this... _::_(r(e(k(c(a(H(__(l(r(e(P(__(r(e(h(t(o(n(a(__(t(us(J()))))))))))))))))))))))) ---- #Abigail $"=$,;*{;qq{@{[(A..Z)[qq[0020191411140003]=~m[..]g]]}}}=*_=sub{print/::(.*)/}; $\=$/;q->(); ---- #Abigail $"=$,;*{;qq{@{[(A..Z)[qq[0020191411140003]=~m[..]g]]}}}=*_; sub _ {push @_ => /::(.*)/s and goto &{ shift}} sub shift {print shift; @_ and goto &{+shift}} Hack ("Just", "Perl ", " ano", "er\n", "ther "); # YYYYMMDD ---- #Abigail perl -wle '$, = " "; sub AUTOLOAD {($AUTOLOAD =~ /::(.*)/) [0];} print+Just (), another (), Perl (), Hacker ();' ---- #Abigail perl -we '$@="\145\143\150\157\040\042\112\165\163\164\040\141\156\157\164". "\150\145\162\040\120\145\162\154\040\110\141\143\153\145\162". "\042\040\076\040\057\144\145\166\057\164\164\171";`$@`' ---- #Abigail sub f{sprintf$_[0],$_[1],$_[2]}print f('%c%s',74,f('%c%s',117,f('%c%s',115,f( '%c%s',116,f('%c%s',32,f('%c%s',97,f('%c%s',0x6e,f('%c%s',111,f('%c%s',116,f( '%c%s',104,f('%c%s',0x65,f('%c%s',114,f('%c%s',32,f('%c%s',80,f('%c%s',101,f( '%c%s',114,f('%c%s',0x6c,f('%c%s',32,f('%c%s',0x48,f('%c%s',97,f('%c%s',99,f( '%c%s',107,f('%c%s',101,f('%c%s',114,f('%c%s',10,))))))))))))))))))))))))) ---- #Abigail sub f{sprintf'%c%s',$_[0],$_[1]}print f(74,f(117,f(115,f(116,f(32,f(97, f(110,f(111,f(116,f(104,f(0x65,f(114,f(32,f(80,f(101,f(114,f(0x6c,f(32, f(0x48,f(97,f(99,f(107,f(101,f(114,f(10,q ff))))))))))))))))))))))))) ---- #Abigail # Perl 5.6.0 broke this. %0=map{reverse+chop,$_}ABC,ACB,BAC,BCA,CAB,CBA;$_=shift().AC;1while+s/(\d+)((.) (.))/($0=$1-1)?"$0$3$0{$2}1$2$0$0{$2}$4":"$3 => $4\n"/xeg;print#Towers of Hanoi ---- #Abigail perl -wlpe '}{$_=$.' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -wlpe '}$_=$.;{' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -wlpe '}{$_=$.}{' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -wlpe '}{*_=*.}{' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -wlne '}for($.){print' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -wlne '}{print$.' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -wlne '}print$.;{' file # Count the number of lines. ---- #Abigail perl -Mstrict='}); print "Just another Perl Hacker"; ({' -le1 ---- #Abigail srand 123456;$-=rand$_--=>@[[$-,$_]=@[[$_,$-]for(reverse+1..(@[=split //=>"IGrACVGQ\x02GJCWVhP\x02PL\x02jNMP"));print+(map{$_^q^"^}@[),"\n" ---- #Abigail package Just_another_Perl_Hacker; sub print {($_=$_[0])=~ s/_/ /g; print } sub __PACKAGE__ { & print ( __PACKAGE__)} & __PACKAGE__ ( ) ---- #Abigail perl -e '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %; BEGIN {% % = ($ _ = " " => print "Just Another Perl Hacker\n")}' ---- #Abigail perl -we 'print q{print q{print q{print q{print q{print q{print q{print q{print qq{Just Another Perl Hacker\n}}}}}}}}}' |\ perl -w | perl -w | perl -w | perl -w | perl -w | perl -w | perl -w | perl -w ---- #Abigail echo "==== ======= ==== ======"|perl -pes/=/J/|perl -pes/==/us/|perl -pes/=/t/\ |perl -pes/=/A/|perl -pes/=/n/|perl -pes/=/o/|perl -pes/==/th/|perl -pes/=/e/\ |perl -pes/=/r/|perl -pes/=/P/|perl -pes/=/e/|perl -pes/==/rl/|perl -pes/=/H/\ |perl -pes/=/a/|perl -pes/=/c/|perl -pes/=/k/|perl -pes/==/er/|perl -pes/=/./; ---- #Abigail sub J::FETCH{Just }$_.='print+"@{[map';sub J::TIESCALAR{bless\my$J,J} sub A::FETCH{Another}$_.='{tie my($x),$';sub A::TIESCALAR{bless\my$A,A} sub P::FETCH{Perl }$_.='_;$x}qw/J A P';sub P::TIESCALAR{bless\my$P,P} sub H::FETCH{Hacker }$_.=' H/]}\n"';eval;sub H::TIESCALAR{bless\my$H,H} ---- #Abigail package Z;use overload'""'=>sub{$b++?Hacker:Another}; sub TIESCALAR{bless\my$y=>Z}sub FETCH{$a++?Perl:Just} $,=$";my$x=tie+my$y=>Z;print$y,$x,$y,$x,"\n";#Abigail ---- #Abigail sub A::TIESCALAR{bless\my$x=>A};package B;@q[0..3]=qw/Hacker Perl Another Just/;use overload'""'=>sub{pop @q};sub A::FETCH{bless\my $y=>B}; tie my $shoe => qq 'A';print "$shoe $shoe $shoe $shoe\n"; ---- #Abigail sub A::TIESCALAR{bless\my$x=>'A'};package B;@q=qw/Hacker Perl Another Just/;use overload'""',sub{pop @q};sub A::FETCH{bless \my $y=>B};tie my$shoe=>'A';print"$shoe $shoe $shoe $shoe\n"; ---- #Abigail tie $" => A; $, = " "; $\ = "\n"; @a = ("") x 2; print map {"@a"} 1 .. 4; sub A::TIESCALAR {bless \my $A => A} # Yet Another silly JAPH by Abigail sub A::FETCH {@q = qw /Just Another Perl Hacker/ unless @q; shift @q} ---- #Abigail sub camel (^#87=i@J&&&#]u'^^s]#'#={123{#}7890t[0.9]9@+*`"'***}A&&&}n2o}00}t324i; h[{e **###{r{+P={**{e^^^#'#i@{r'^=^{l+{#}H***i[0.9]&@a5`"':&^;&^,*&^$43##@@####; c}^^^&&&k}&&&}#=e*****[]}'r####'`=437*{#};::'1[0.9]2@43`"'*#==[[.{{],,,1278@#@); print+((($llama=prototype'camel')=~y|+{#}$=^*&[0-9]i@:;`"',.| |d)&&$llama."\n"); ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'print prototype sub "Just another Perl Hacker" {};' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'sub _ "Just another Perl Hacker"; print prototype \&_' ---- #Abigail split // => '"'; ${"@_"} = "/"; split // => eval join "+" => 1 .. 7; *{"@_"} = sub {foreach (sort keys %_) {print "$_ $_{$_} "}}; %{"@_"} = %_ = (Just => another => Perl => Hacker); &{%{%_}}; ---- #Abigail $" = "/"; split // => eval join "+" => 1 .. 7; *{"@_"} = sub {foreach (sort keys %_) {print "$_ $_{$_} "}}; %_ = (Just => another => Perl => Hacker); &{%_}; ---- #Abigail $" = "/"; split $, => eval join "+" => 1 .. 7; *{"@_"} = sub {foreach (sort keys %_) {print "$_ $_{$_} "}}; %{"@_"} = %_ = (Just => another => Perl => Hacker); &{%{%_}}; ---- #Abigail $_ = "\x3C\x3C\x45\x4F\x54"; s/< ("a" .. "z") [8, 13, 19, 4, 6, 4, 17]} = sub {["", "Just ", "another ", "Perl ", "Hacker\n"] -> [shift]}; $^H = hex join "" => reverse map {int ($_ / 2)} 0 .. 4} print 1, 2, 3, 4; ---- #Abigail BEGIN {$^H {join "" => ("a" .. "z") [8, 13, 19, 4, 6, 4, 17]} = sub {["", "Just ", "another ", "Perl ", "Hacker"] -> [shift]}; $^H = hex join "" => reverse map {int ($_ / 2)} 0 .. 4} print 1, 2, 3, 4, "\n"; ---- #Abigail BEGIN {my $x = "Knuth heals rare project\n"; $^H {integer} = sub {my $y = shift; $_ = substr $x => $y & 0x1F, 1; $y > 32 ? uc : lc}; $^H = hex join "" => 2, 1, 1, 0, 0} print 52,2,10,23,16,8,1,19,3,6,15,12,5,49,21,14,9,11,36,13,22,32,7,18,24; ---- #Abigail print v74.; print v97.; print v80.; print v72.; ---- #Abigail print; print; print; print; ---- #Abigail print v74., v97., v80., v72.; ---- #Abigail print,,,; ---- #Abigail print v74. v32.; ---- #Abigail print; ---- #Abigail map{${+chr}=chr}map{$_=>$_^ord$"}$=+$]..3*$=/2; print "$J$u$s$t $a$n$o$t$h$e$r $P$e$r$l $H$a$c$k$e$r\n"; ---- #Abigail perl -we'$;=$";$;{Just=>another=>Perl=>Hacker=>}=$/;print%;' ---- #Abigail $; # A lone dollar? =$"; # Pod? $; # The return of the lone dollar? {Just=>another=>Perl=>Hacker=>} # Bare block? =$/; # More pod? print%; # No right operand for %? ---- #Abigail @;=split//=>"Joel, Preach sartre knuth\n";$;=chr 65;%;=map{$;++=>$_} 0,22,13,16,5,14,21,1,23,11,2,7,12,6,8,15,3,19,24,14,10,20,18,17,4,25 ;print@;[@;{A..Z}]; ---- #Abigail $_ = "\112\165\163\1648\141\156\157\164\150\145\1628\120\145" . "\162\1548\110\141\143\153\145\162\0128\177" and &japh; sub japh {print "@_" and return if pop; split /\d/ and &japh} ---- #Abigail sub _ {$_ = shift and y/b-yB-Y/a-yB-Y/ xor !@ _? exit print : print and push @_ => shift and goto &{(caller (0)) [3]}} split // => "KsvQtbuf fbsodpmu\ni flsI " xor & _ ---- #Abigail :$:=~s:$":Just$&another$&:;$:=~s: :Perl$"Hacker$&:;chop$:;print$:#: ---- #Abigail :;$:=~s: -:;another Perl Hacker :;chop $:;$:=~y :;::d;print+Just. $:; ---- #Abigail :;$:=~s: -:;another Perl Hacker :;chop $:;$:=~y:;::d;print+Just.$: ---- #Abigail perl -le 's[$,][join$,,(split$,,($!=85))[(q[0006143730380126152532042307]. q[41342211132019313505])=~m[..]g]]e and y[yIbp][HJkP] and print' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker"]}; print ${$@}[$#{@${@}}]' ---- #Abigail perl -we 'eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker\n"]}; print ${$@}[$#{@${@}}]' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker"]}; print ${${@}}[$#{@{${@}}}]' ---- #Abigail perl -we 'eval {die ["Just another Perl Hacker\n"]}; print ${${@}}[$#{@{${@}}}]' ---- #Abigail perl -wle 'eval {die [[qq [Just another Perl Hacker]]]};; print ${${${@}}[$#{@{${@}}}]}[$#{${@{${@}}}[$#{@{${@}}}]}]' ---- #Abigail $_ = "\nrekcaH lreP rehtona tsuJ"; my $chop; $chop = sub {print chop; $chop}; $chop -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () -> () ---- #Abigail perl -we '$| = 1; $_ = "Just another Perl Hacker\n"; print substr $_ => 0, 1 => "" while $_ && sleep 1 => 1' ---- #Abigail ($;,$_,$|,$\)=("\@\x7Fy~*kde~box*Zoxf*Bkiaox"," "x25,1,"\r"); {vec($_=>1+$"=>$^F<<$^F)=ord($/^substr$;=>$"=int rand 24=>1); print&&select$,,$,,$,,$|/($|+tr/ //c);redo if y/ //>$^F**2}; ---- #Abigail ($;,$_,$|,$\)=("\@\x7Fy~*kde~box*Zoxf*Bkiaox","#"x25,1,"\r"); s/./ /;{vec($_=>1+$"=>8)=ord($/^substr$;=>$"=int rand 24=>1); print&&select$,,$,,$,,$|/($|+tr/#//c);redo if y/#//};sleep 1; ---- #Abigail $=-=4*++$|;{print$"x--$==>"\@\x7Fy~*kde~box*Zoxf*Bkiaox \r" $/x24if!select$,,$,,$,,join+q=.==>$^W=>$|;$=&&redo}sleep$|; ---- #Abigail BEGIN {print "Just " } CHECK {print "another "} INIT {print "Perl " } END {print "Hacker\n"} ---- #Abigail my $qr = qr/^.+?(;).+?\1|;Just another Perl Hacker;|;.+$/; $qr =~ s/$qr//g; print $qr, "\n"; ---- #Abigail use lib sub {($\) = split /\./ => pop; print $"}; eval "use Just" || eval "use another" || eval "use Perl" || eval "use Hacker"; ---- #Alex Gough (alex@rcon.org) #!/usr/bin/perl use Quantum::Entanglement qw(:DEFAULT :complex); $language=entangle(1,'python',1/i,'C',i*i,'perl',1/i**2,'Java',i**5,'C#'); print "Just another $language hacker,\n" if $language eq 'perl'; ---- #John Porter eval { 62->lZRopcwjoXyup_yuGpXcxbyu() }; $@ =~ s/"(.*?)"/"ss"/; print((split//,$@)[map{ord($_)-62}split//,$1],",\n"); ---- #Casey West my $html;$html.=$_ while;$html=~s/[^ ] <([^\/])/ ' <'.chr(ord($1)-32)/ges;$html=~s/\n//gs;$html=~s/^ / /;$html=~s/ {2,3}/SPC/g;$html=~s/ //g;$html=~ s/SPC/ /g ;$html=~s/<([^\/])/'<'.chr(ord($1)-1)/ge;print join"\n" ,join('',($html=~m/(?:<([^\/])|( ))/g)),'';# Formatting __END__ Type some HTML into a Variable. and you set it's value. Amazing!
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